Sunday, July 26, 2020
Learn, Teach, Love
Sunday, July 19, 2020
Christian Dallavis hits a home run!
Time to renew our buildings!
Pardon me, at heart I am a theologian!
Today's Gospel contains a well known parable about mustard seeds and grains of yeast. I met Dominic Crossan when I was in graduate school at Loyola University Chicago. He was the guest of one my best professors of all time, Bob Ludwig . He introduced me to another way of looking at Jesus' parables. They are portrayed in the Gospels of Mathew, Mark, and Luke (sorry, no parables in John) as riddles, moral stories or allegories. Crossan's contention was that the work of a parable as told by Jesus was that "parables challenged their hearers to step back and reflect on the world and on God in new, counter-intuitive ways. They invite their hearers to ponder “whatever is taken totally for granted in our world."Sunday, July 12, 2020
Mission Impossible? Not with God!
Response to a VUCA World! |
Students at St. Charles Borromeo, a Partnership School in Harlem |
As Cleveland begins to launch the first replication of Partnership Schools (originally only in New York City), the benefits of being a member of an established network were seen this past week. The Cristo Rey Network in its national internal weekly memo mentioned Partnership Schools and its expansion to Cleveland. The National Catholic Register praised Partnership Schools as an example of a priviate school management organization:
Private School Pioneers,” a 2015 report (Andy) Smarick co-wrote for the Friedman Foundation for Educational Choice, called Private School Management Organizations “among the most interesting and exciting innovations related to the supply of private-school seats — and potentially one of the most important recent developments in urban K-12 education.
While more than 50 Catholic schools have been forced to close their doors in the last few months, in part because of the coronavirus, two in Cleveland are poised to prosper under new management. Partnership Schools, a network of seven inner-city NYC schools that are connected to the local Catholic diocese but privately run, is expanding to the Midwest.
Smoky the WWII dog hero |
If we meet at Stinchcomb Memorial you can visit the statue honoring Smoky, World War II's smallest hero who: ...crawled through a tiny 70-foot-long culvert on a captured Japanese island, hauling a communication cable, sparing GIs from having to drag it above ground and be exposed to enemy sniper fire." We met early in the morning to beat the heat and outside, socially distant, seems to be the ticket! Of course email, calling, Zooming or however you would like to meet would be great. I can answer your questions and you can talk about your contacts and how you might introduce me! Email is
Sunday, July 5, 2020
Abbreviated vacation edition!
Partnership Schools Cleveland gains national attention
Spiritual Reflections to combat racism in Catholic schools
Vincent Hale teaches music at Our Lady Queen of Angels School in East Harlem. He is pursuing a graduate degree in educational leadership in the Mary Ann Remick Leadership Program at the University of Notre Dame and is an impact leader for Profound Gentlemen, an organization supporting male educators of color in creating a cradle to career pipeline for boys of color. Click here for his thoughts.
Please share our story...I need your help!
For the past two years we have been working to make this happen. I have met many new friends who have been excited by our mission. Please forward this Blog or any of the information you have about Partnership Schools Cleveland to people you know who might be interested. I would like you to consider connecting me with your network of friends and associates, particularly with people you think might want to hear the story, so that I can digitally or otherwise meet with them. My contact info is mobile, 216-409-7018, or email at We are also planning some sort of digital Q & A in the upcoming weeks. Stay tuned!