Sunday, October 4, 2020


Driving from Archbishop Lyke to St. Thomas Aquinas I saw this street sign and traffic light!  It is a few blocks from Archbishop Lyke on Harvard.  How fitting!  We are providing effective and results driven education which will lead to access to quality high schools, college and beyond!

2019-202020-21% increase
St. Thomas17524841.71%
331% INCREASE=35.35%
"the diff"117448
This our admission's tracker as of this morning.  There's really nothing much to say beyond, "Incredible!"  We have to hire two new teachers and a teacher's aide, if you know of someone please share this link:

Good News Tuesday, 

October 6!

This Tuesday we are presenting a steaming event which is an update on all that we have done and are doing since July 1, 2020.  It is not a fundraiser!  We hope to answer questions you might have and ask that you register and pass the invite along.  It will be available after Tuesday as well.