School starts today, enrollment up again!
If you clean it, they will swing!

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Governor Signs New Two Year Budget--Voucher amounts increase!
After more than a year of working with state legislature, proponents for increases in the Cleveland Voucher program and the Ed Choice programs are celebrating the signing of the new biennium budget!
Cleveland Voucher and Ed Choice programs for grade schools increase just over 18%, from $4650 per student to $5500 a student. High school vouchers increased 25%, from $6000 per student to $7500 a student.
Overall funding for public schools also has increased: "The budget settles on the Fair School Funding Plan from the House, which – simply put – would calculate state aid with 60% local property taxes, 40% income and would add $367 million to K-12 education over two years – though the full phase-in of the plan over six years was estimated to be at least $2 billion." (Statehouse News Bureau).
In talking with Yitz Frank of School Choice Ohio this morning he said it all, succinctly: "It's a happy day." Congratulations to School Choice Ohio along with the Ohio Catholic Conference and Superintendent Frank O'Linn for leading the charge with laser like focus over the last year.