If you're going through hell, keep going.
Where the heck have I been? (who cares?)
My last post was two years ago...I am sure not too many missed me but Saint Martin de Porres High School has continued to grow and produce outstanding results. My last few posts were about parity in the school choice and Cleveland voucher programs. Amen! It happened...now students in Cleveland are treated equally with all other Ohio students. Not that I have been going through hell, Winston, but these last two years have been full of the roller coaster rides of starting an urban school. We're not done, but we are two years closer. Seth Godin's book,
The Dip, is a must read for anyone committed to a mission but is sloshing through the mud to get there. For anyone who has not heard of Mr. Godin, I strongly urge you to sign up for his blog...just follow the link above.
So what is the next crusade or burning issue that is possible for me? The question is what will secondary education look like in five years? The burning issue is what do urban high school grads need to succeed in post secondary world and what is the world?? Follow me on #richardfclark!

Stay tuned!
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