Sunday, May 3, 2020

Frankie says it all!


Seth Godin's latest blog says it all.  We aren't going back, in fact, we have always known we can't go home again.  Disruption always seems to come out of nowhere.  If I look at the reality of pandemic it has many of the characteristics of disruption.

As we get ready to introduce the Partnership School model to Cleveland we certainly are faced with a new set of challenges on top of the already daunting task of urban education in America.  Recently some people have asked if we are still going ahead given the crisis.  My answer is given the crisis we are committed more than ever!

Go into the city and 

you will be told what to do!

Last Thursday, Scott Jeckering and I picked up 100 lawn signs promoting Archbishop Lyke School and St. Thomas School.
It was beginning to pour rain, but we headed up to St. Thomas Aquinas and were planting a sign and lo and behold Bishop Roger popped out of the door!  He has been keenly aware of what we are doing and has asked to be our chaplain!  He lives in the old convent at St. Thomas Aquinas so he will be willing and able to become the chaplain for our growing network!!

Last week was also the reading from the Acts of the Apostles concerning the conversion of Saul.  When he was knocked on the ground and blinded he was told to go into the city and he would be told what to do.  Well, last Thursday we went into the city and were told what to do in no uncertain terms by the honking of horns, the friendly waves, and the one man, Frankie, I met at an ATM.  He saw the sign and called out that his mother used to work at Archbishop Lyke!  His kids were adults now but he said with a firm tone, "Education is the only way!"  He promised to spread the word. I wanted to hug him, but of course, I think my hugging days are over, sadly.

Later Christian Davallis was on a Zoom call with faculty of St. Thomas and two of the staff were so excited that they saw lawn signs promoting their school when they were out!  Easter is upon us!

Generosity begins the flow!

This past week we received gifts from individuals totaling $233,000!  Our foundation support remains strong as we close in on our June 1 goal of $3,000,000!  We still need to raise close to $500,000.  These first two school years ahead of us are really about building a foundation for the long term success of 6 Catholic schools in the city.  This is the first and in many ways the biggest step along the journey.  Gifts can be in cash or pledges.  The pledges can be payable from now until July of 2022.  If you have any questions please give me a text, call, or email.  Recall what Frankie said, "Education is the only way!"

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