Sunday, September 20, 2020

The Times they are a changin'

A New Dawn in Catholic Education

Archbishop Lyke School
 On September 8, two diocesan schools begun instruction under an historic  management agreement with Partnership Schools.  The excitement o
St. Thomas Aquinas School
f the staff and children really was palbable!


 I was talking with parents at pickup one day last week.  There was a young couple, first in line in their car (thirty minutes early).  The scene in front of us was three classes outside.  One was playing some sort of kick ball game (still learning gradeschool lingo and games), a second one was dancing in a circle (well spaced), and a third was reciting and whenever possible acting out the nursery rhyme, "One two, buckle my shoe."  I blurted out to the parents, "Behold!  Gradeschool!"  We all had a good laugh.  

Scenes from our first day!

Click here to read a blog with plenty of pictures to give you a sense of what happened on September 8!

A picture is worth...

Brothers after a great day!

Masks up! With their new
Partnership Cleveland T-shirts!

Buildings repainted, social distancing circles

This door welcomes our scholars!

Here we go!

Synopsis of our plan

Below is a one-pager (well, front and back of one page) that gives you an overview of who we are and what we hope to continue to accomplish.  If you wish an digital copy of this document to distribute to your friends, email me at  I am also available to talk with anyone interested in person, on phone or zoom.  My mobile number is 216.409.7018.

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